I broke down big resolutions like "get healthier" and "get more organized" into smaller resolutions and as I work out my plan, each month will focus on an area of the bigger resolution. I hope doing it this way will help modify my overall behavior and not be to overwhelming to start.
I'm keeping January kind of a planning month. We always have a huge NYE party and of course the Christmas decorations come down...blah blah blah
I do however have some breakdowns that we (my hubby and I) will work on before jumping in deeper water in February.
Get healther:
Get more organized:
Do things I enjoy guilt free:
Spend more time with hubby:
I'm currently working on a weekly "cleaning" schedule that will give us time have fun with our toddler, each other, and by ourselves but still not let the house fall into chaos. Hopefully my hubby will get on board...
I feel pretty good about our success this year.